Can Anyone from Stanford Explain This?
It's past time to talk about "the pandemic pathogen" in New York City hospitals
Simple question critical answer, what happened when NYC lockdown began? Deaths like a bomb went off and mass casualty event dwarfing 9-11 lives lost. -
I don’t usually post twice in one day but going through some of my many graphs just now turned up this ridiculous thing. ⬇️
I would really, really, really love for anybody from Stanford, another university, or coalition like Collateral Global or Brownstone Institute to explain why this model of a ? New York City hospital event in spring 2020 should be characterized as even partly the work of a pandemic (or “next pandemic”) pathogen. It would also be good to know why practically nobody has called for a federal inquiry into what exactly occurred and why/how.
Because all I see - and can defend with enough evidence to generate reasonable doubt in the Official Stories & their variants1 - is Democide and fraud.
Pun intended