The WHO is a terrorist organization because : There was no health threat, no "SARS-CoV-2 virus" and no "Covid".
Foreword :
Dr. Mike Yeadon, September 24, 2024 :
This is excellent from my friend Dr Jonathan Engler.
My comment in response.
Best wishes
Linked in the post above :
Why I have asked for my name to be removed as a signatory to The Great Barrington Declaration.
I now believe it is part of the problem, not the solution.
Sep 24, 2024
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I am not going to stand by while one humongous lie is allowed to become established just because people find the entire truth unpalatable, nor because of some misguided desire to coalesce behind “consensus” for tactical reasons.
(Maybe my recollection is mistaken, but I am pretty sure that allowing a manufactured “consensus” to drown out all other viewpoints was what got us into much of the mess we are now in.)
( … )
When I signed this document, I believed the story that there was a novel virus around which was causing a novel illness, and that some sort of protection for some people was deemed desirable.
However, I am now firmly of the belief that the pandemic construct was staged. Any and all harms observed and reported can be explained by a combination of: mistreatment, maltreatment, non-treatment, neglect, abuse and data fraud.
The key tools used to stage the event were propaganda, data fraud (of several varieties) and the mass rollout of a fraudulent test.
( … )
Full article :
Dr. Mike Yeadon, September 25, 2024 :
I’m very pleased that Dr Jonathan Engler put a stake in the ground & publicly withdrew his signature of approval from the Great Barrington Declaration.
Like “early treatment for covid19”, the GBD is a core component of a web of deceit, conscious or unconscious, that helps lock people’s thinking into the notion that there’s been a pandemic, that submicroscopic infectious particles can spread disease between people & that these disease-causing pathogens can be modified and made more deadly in laboratories & all the rest.
Even the forced, false dichotomy of natural emergence vs Lab leak was repeatedly pressed on the people to distract them from asking “what’s the evidence that anything happened at all?”
I’m afraid that the Big Club is more than capable of ensuring that the only people permitted to build really large followings, in the millions, are those who are willing to do their bidding, typically as “limited hangouts”, telling some important truths, while ruthlessly protecting core tricks that preserve the huge deception and power of the Pandemic Medical Complex.
Best wishes
( Editor`s note : In this post, Dr. Yeadon links to this article of mine. Thank you very much for that ! )
A few comments under the above article :
Dr. Mike Yeadon, September 24, 2024 :
Well done, Jonathan.
It hadn’t crossed my mind to do this. I agree with you that the GBD has been one of several core events which have cemented lies in the public consciousness.
As you know, I’m one step further away from the GBD because I’ve seen ample evidence that acute respiratory illnesses are neither infectious in nature nor are they contagious.
These observations delete even the possibility of a “pandemic”, which is an invented concept, not based on empirical observations which required a name.
Other activities which cement the lie include the specific promotion of unusual treatments for a non-existent illness, eg “ivermectin for the early treatment of covid19”.
Sunetra Gupta & I discussed “variants”, at my request. Her PhD was in multilocus immunity. We agreed the variants story was nonsense and that there was no such thing.
I knew they’d use it to enforce ever tighter restrictions and that happened.
Sunetra refused to go public on this lie, citing concerns for loss of valuable grants.
We’ve not conversed since.
Prof. Denis Rancourt, September 24, 2024 :
I never signed The Great Barrington Declaration because I saw it as a baseless call to harm and isolate the elderly, for no valid reason.
Even from a purely blind epidemiological perspective, we eventually proved this: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0293556
And our extensive work showed since 2 June 2020 that “there was no pandemic”: correlation-canada.org/research
Biologyphenom, September 24, 2024 :
''the only way to prevent “the next pandemic” is to demonstrate to people the utter ridiculousness of the story they have been told about the past few years.''
Very well put Dr. Engler ! The key to unlocking the COVID agenda lies at the Scottish COVID-19 inquiry. Nowhere on Earth are you going to get as many admissions OFFICIALLY as to what REALLY took place. It is high time pressure was applied to these big name 'medical freedom advocates' about it all which i suspect is the reason i got banned (wrongly) from Twitter/X.
Meg McAteer, September 24, 2024 :
Perfectly said. It's genetic evidence was sequenced right across the world in multiple labs and it's spike protein is everywhere. Not to mention, that prior to the outbreak it came from a spillover - either natural spillover via an animal host or it was a lab spill, and the virus was man made for the purposes of drug and vaccine research. Everyone knows it was man-made and indexed from the lab and this research group have committed an ultimate sin in science, using those viruses when they were told not to, and they know it --- Hence we have the entire 'virology' group behind the R&D of vaccines, with their backs up against the wall, sweating bullets. This is what will damage the industry - this is what everyone should be cheering for. So I don't understand why this substack is calling Jay Bhattacharya and the GBD liars.... calling them liars about the virus?
Dr. Jonathan Engler replies, September 24, 2024 :
All of that is a story which relies on a number of technologies of dubious and overblown validity - notably sequencing and PCR testing.
We never before used any of these technologies in such huge quantities.
You should read the work Ben @ https://www.usmortality.com/ has done on trying to reproduce the sequencing.
Or look at this demolition : https://theviraldelusion.substack.com/p/revealed-the-sars-cov-2-sequencing
Update / Recently a comment appeared that presents the meaning of GBD somewhat differently :
Greig, September 26, 2024 :
GBD had it´s merit, on the 6th 0f October 2020, to try and stop more lockdowns. No more or Less. It didn´t work and should be thrown out, as old News I would say.
Here Dr. Yeadon writes about an article by Jessica Hockett :
Dr. Mike Yeadon, September 22, 2024 :
I’m absolutely with Jessica Hockett on this point. I’m appalled that Jay Bhattacharya is unwilling to examine the counter proposition that there was no pandemic and that contagion is not a thing.
Unfortunately, I am preaching to the choir, in the main. My voice is effectively excluded from public discourse and has been since late 2020. The means is digital censorship. I know of no way to circumvent it. Wearing a sandwich board while walking up & down my high street?
Best wishes
Linked in the post above :
Jay Bhattacharya and the Resistance to Debating Whether There Was a Pandemic in 2020
Sep 22, 2024
Dr. Mike Yeadon, September 22, 2024 :
They did it all completely knowingly.
Important to appreciate that Mistakes Were Not Made.
Margaret Anna Alice describes it very well.
Editor`s note : Here is their Substack :
The related articles :
Please note that almost all of my articles mainly contain evidence that we have been lied to about everything from A to Z since at least 2020. There was no health threat, no "SARS-CoV-2 virus" and no "Covid". Here are links to just some of these articles :
For the most reliable information about the "Covid" scam and deceptions of the system, read Dr. Mike Yeadon's daily statements :
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :
Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon : https://drmikeyeadon.substack.com/
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends : https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannelChat
When searching for Dr. Yeadon's videos only two browsers are recommended:
Yandex :
and Mojeek :
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.
Many statements and videos from Dr. Mike Yeadon can also be found on Suavek's Substack, which is recommended by Dr. Yeadon on the main page of his Substack.
Both links lead to Suavek`s Substack :