The mRNA and lab leak stuff is a smokescreen to distract from the real issues and to promote pandemic fears.

If they really had success with gof, they wouldn't have needed to fake a pandemic and the situation could have ended with a world like V for Vendetta with a dystopic authoritarian state.

And here's something that was known before covid or mRNA..

Years before covid, before "spike protein", the lipids were found to be toxic.... Why did they go with multiple dose shots? Why are people falling for the spike protein while ignoring the real issue?

"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."


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My understanding at this point is that there is no such thing as a safe dose of foreign protein and no science that explains a mechanism of action that leads to anything but massive autoimmune problems. These problems stem from using antibodies as a correlate of immunity when respiratory virus rely on mucousal T-cell activation.. it's like checking your gas gauge for the oil temperature.. the result tells nothing relevant to the right question.

The LNP are their own separate problem of uncontrolled distribution & duration that has been known by bench biologists for decades. If nothing else these known harms throw serious doubt on the credibility of figures like Robert Malone who claim to be on the side of the public exposing Pharma fraud. These mRNA transfections are failed cancer therapy and calling them vaccines perpetuates the fraud of this epic biotech failure.

There's a great Studyhall video with Jay Couey where Pieter Cullis partner of Nobel Prize winning LNP researchers explains how LNP distribution was never controllable & note how sad it was that mRNA wouldn't be an improvement over traditional chemotherapy drugs where ***less than 1% of drugs*** reach the intended target. https://rumble.com/v3q5vbq-2023-10-17-pieter-cullis-2022-study-hall-16-oct-2023-brief-twitch1953665426.html

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Chemo is single digit % effective. Actually negative if they didn't count all the deaths as caused by cancer.

That's why these monsters test these crazy drugs, like moderna did with crigler-najjar syndrome.

It's easy to count the deaths as caused by the condition, even if the drug sped it up.

I'm still confused as to how a LNP designed not to break down can "find" a cell and open up its payload.

That white junk clogging blood vessels in autopsies is probably lipids that never broke down.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were really made of forever plastics lol.

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Eh, so much I don't know but an awful lot that's on the record from folks who do. What helps me learn best is having the experts talk then an honest biologist teach me what things we know for sure and where claims of knowing are pure bunk. Jay is a brilliant teacher and voracious learner so it's the best of all possible conditions for me. Pretty sure these will put your grasp on the details and lies in a way no answer from me could.

Part of the Nobel Prize winning LNP science prize preview tour where Cullis explains that mRNA was hoped to be a cancer target therapy replacement for chemotherapy that reaches the target cells to be killed about 0.01% leaving a ratio for poisoned healthy cells at 99.9% of chemo effect and goes so far as to mutter how criminal a treatment is that has over 99% error rate in application BUT mRNA did no better & travel randomly all over the body.. they get into lots of lipid science and some things Cullis often says, we think, we believe, etc

**Cancer quote about the target rate for chemo drugs @ 54:30


More examples of the Cullis clowns driving biotech science was LNP are not Magic https://rumble.com/v3xw80a-2023-11-23-thanks-pieter-but-lnps-are-not-magic-23-nov-2023-brief-twitch198.html

Can't choose a bad one and titles pretty good clues to individual focus.. live chat Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological https://rumble.com/c/GigaohmBiologicalArchive

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Remember how COVID revealed that ivermectin was a wonder drug... More than 50% effective. This was on seniors who were doomed with a covid diagnosis.

Well the same with cancer treatment.

Why don't they use this first before toxic chemo?

Why are they still trying to shoot for the moon when there's effective treatments?


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Eh, not a big fan of Pharma remedies and folks like Second Smartest Guy marketing cures gives a great deal of pause as someone who did seven years primary care for bone marrow transplants at Fred HUTCH and know there is far more known about diagnosing and measuring elements of illness than any understanding of what promotes health.

When faced with life threatening illness folks need to do their own research and choose what feels best.. no Rx drug would be an answer for me except possibly an antibiotic but it's been 35 years since the birth of my youngest & last time I had an Rx of any kind.

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Jun 12Liked by PamelaDrew

It gets worse when you learn that there is no such thing as a "virus" that can replicate, mutate and spread around the world. No one has ever seen a "virus" and no one has ever isolated a pure sample of a "virus." Worse still, no one has ever been able to prove that "viruses" either make us sick or can pass from human to human. It's all fake; that's why they go to great lengths to hide these facts.

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Eh, decades of virology is built on fraudulent models but there is science in there.. it may be we misunderstand molecules at that size scale and wrongly characterize interaction with the immune systems but lipid wrapped RNA molecules are real so the no virus argument is too simplistic an answer for anything as complex as the biological world & interactions with it. :~)

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I haven't seen woodhouse76 before - but enjoy their verbiage! So true re-describing "gain-of-function" as "claim-of-function!"

About a year ago, I had lunch that bled to dinner, with a virologist PhD who worked for one of the manufacturers of sequencing & CRISPR techniques. One of the conditions was "no electronics devices including smart watches." Before meeting her, I had come to the inescapable conclusion, yet in mid-2020, that C19 was, as Dr Briand said, a relabeling of maladies and diseases with same symptoms (as there are zero unique symptoms). But she confirmed the technical reasons that both "the virus" and "variants" are impossible claims. Main problems are isolation of the pathogen, both for some form of Koch's postulates and for alleged "testing" which she said is impossible as claimed.

Have you ever seen Dr V Coleman's books?

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He crossed my radar early on & can't remember what connections he had that crossed him off my short list of trusted sources.. kinda feel like he was in that film w venom theory.. My Rockefeller-Gates Biotech Mafia tracking goes back to 1997 and few new sources make the cut as trusted over time especially because industry has so many folks out peddling a pinch of truth w piles of BS and you burn time w/o gaining understanding.. too old for that! :~)

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In 1986-89 I did some computer work for the CEO of the company that made AZT (anti-AIDS, supposedly). And what he shared with me, blew my mind about HIV. Dr Fraudxxi had started as head of NI-AID then, doing the same thing with HIV that he did with C19. Did you ever look into that? Very similar.

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Medicine and drugs for the past century have toxic Rockefeller influence. RFK Jr book Real Anthony Fauci gets into a lot of detail from AIDS era.. also fun fact the film Dallas Buyers Club was about Fauci killing w AIDS frauds..


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Jun 3·edited Jun 4Liked by PamelaDrew

Yeah! RFKs book is a mind-bender with all its references. He (Fraudxxi) is worse than Dr Mengele of Nazi fame, yet he escapes Nuremberg type scrutiny. Shows how far down the US and most UN countries have gone...

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Well, look at one of his books here: http://44x.xyz/c19vc.pdf . He wrote another book in 2019 titled, "Anyone who tells you vaxxines are safe and effective is lying"

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Jun 2Liked by PamelaDrew

A mand made pandemic with a deadly cure.

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Can't beat that for profit & power yields!

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This PDF, written in 1975, is as true today as then. www.44x.xyz/rocke.pdf . I got it in ~1980. Daddy "rocke" "donated" the land the UN sits on, in 1946. GHWB in 1991 echoed "coming NWO" within a short time of David "rocke," addressing CFR, trilateral & Bilderbergs, thanking Main$tream media for keeping quiet for 40 years about the plans for NWO.

How they can do this is cleverly hidden in "plain sight," regarding what is called, "money," . . .

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Great reference thanks, if this ever hit my radar it was long forgotten and saved a copy at Wayback.. crowdsourced intelligence is the best most awesome way to research!! Back in the early days of WikiLeaks some of the folks exploring files would lament that what we need is more leaks and my view was always that the most damning evidence is often in the public documents if we just took the time to hunt for them.. perfect example!! :~)


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Kool on saving it in archive!

There are a few more references which I'll pop herein!

My pleasure!

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Wayback is my favorite site on the web since my discovery in 2002!! <3

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3Liked by PamelaDrew

Yes, one of my favorites, too! I worry about it being infiltrated by bad actors and I hope there are sufficient mirror sites that might thwart censorship.

I noticed some censorship did occur on the archive. I noticed that the archive search engine sometimes does not yield results for archived items previously found. Usually I save weblinks for myself.

One censorship case, in specific, was Dr Genevieve Briand's analysis in November 2020 which showed, absolutely, that there were NO EXCESS DEATHS for C19 in 2020 - and that the CDC had relabeled normal mortality from heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, etc. as C19. She proved this from the CDCs own data. Her article was censored within 5 days of publication, with the archive showing it correctly. But the CDC website showed a copy of Dr Briand's PDF - watermarked redacted (as "misinformation") - even though the data came from CDC sources, here: www.44x.xyz/gbcensor.pdf The archived file is here: https://www.jhunewsletter.com/article/2020/11/a-closer-look-at-u-s-deaths-due-to-covid-19

Should be looked into to keep it reliable!

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Oh wow, Dr Briamd is a new name for me.. Norman Fenton and Martin Neil.. have done great analysis.. Denis Rancourt's death certificate troves show there was no bump in all cause mortality & no evidence of spread in areas.. that was added to by Jessica Hockett who has been fierce digging into NYC which is like five 9-11 events in six weeks then back to baseline and she continues to dig into what she rightly calls a mass casualty event in NYC.


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Yes, Dr Briand was teaching at JHU in 2020 -- watch the video here: a review of the above material. https://archive.org/details/covid-19-deaths-a-look-at-u.-s.-data - which they put on archive to bypass censorship.... It's the same CDC data - but verbally explained.

One doesn't need a virus with main$tream media droning terror billions of times a day from march 16 2020 on. And the sheeple blindly believe!

They were opening Javits center for ER in NYC -- never used. In Chicago, opened 3000 bed ER at McCormick Place - never used. And my ex-wife was nurse at Chicago loop hospital -- total lies about C19 population "boil-over" - Massive fraud.

I'm a pilot (recreational now, before for biz too). And biggest issue with aviation was after the mandatory commercial pilot vaxxes. From Jan 2021 on, retire if ya don't get vaxxed.

From 1925 to 2019, there were almost zero deaths in cockpit, as the health rules were stringent. Retire at age 63 (now 65), ground oneself for any heart, lung, cancer, etc. Yearly first class medicals. But, in 2020, still zero deaths (all causes) in the cockpit. So, C19 didn't cause any excess deaths of pilots in 2020. At least 2 deaths in 2021. 5 in 2022. Countless in 2023 on. A few weeks ago, the news reported 2 in one day!

Take care for now!

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Glad to see the effort but joining groups is not a me thing just sharing information, thanks!

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