Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023Liked by PamelaDrew

Astonishingly, the Democrats are the party of censorship now, even AOC and the so-called progressives:



At least four members of the Squad finally (after years of saying nothing) came out two weeks ago in favor of dropping the charges against Julian.


I wonder what RFK Jr is thinking. Surely he knows that the DNC will cheat him out of the nomination like they did Bernie. I am not prepared to donate to RFK Jr for over a year only to have him pull a Bernie and endorse Biden after he is cheated out of the nomination, and I suspect not a lot of people are. He needs to tell us he is going all the way with or without the Dem Party. I wish both the Green Party and the People's Party would endorse him.

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RFK Jr is, in my way of thinking, either incredibly naive, a "plant," as in, Controlled Opposition, or he'll be dead very soon after taking office, if he makes it that far. They kill Kennedys here...

Because if he really can't understand the fact that no virus has even been isolated, then he's not going to be as effective as someone who does... It's important, because it's the CRUX of this war.

Besides, more govt. is not going to solve our problems, in my opinion. I cannot see how a corrupt institution is going to suddenly right itself just because a President (tool) changes.

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In his announcement he spoke about being a longshot like his dad but said after 18 years of censorship he will get 18 months to speak out; for me that's fantastic itself!

Loved Bobby from his earliest Riverkeeper days & thrilled he has a voice now. <3

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Yes, good point: he'll have 18 months to speak out!

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023Liked by PamelaDrew

If he would accept another party's nomination (Green, People's, etc.) after he gets cheated by the Dems, he could continue to speak out all the way to the election. That's my fervent wish. I actually think he could win the plurality in a three way race. (Comment below the video linked below: "I'm a sixty five year old life long republican and I absolutely love the message that this man has to bring.")

All both mainstream parties have to offer are perpetual war abroad and poverty at home.

He did a good job confronting the vaccine controversy in a recent interview on Fox News:


The "liberal" media will shun him like they did Bernie initially (and like they are doing to Marianne Williamson now) until he becomes so popular that a news blackout won't work.

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""I'm a sixty five year old life long republican and I absolutely love the message that this man has to bring.""

I'm a tad older w Washington career from Watergate to Bush Sr.. loathed the cesspool of cronies it was then now its full blown Mafia. Tucker was booted truth is the enemy of the machine & every drop more gets closer to evicting our Oligarchy!! Yaay go us booting Tucker was a stupid panic move.. loving it!!

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by PamelaDrew

Nixon looks like a saint compared to what we have now.

Why did RFK Jr support Hillary over Bernie? Do you find that disturbing?

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I never guess why folks do stuff just try to focus on the balance of actions. As for Nixon it took many years if research for me to come to the belief he was a fall guy for the CIA dirtbags who needed distractions from investigating them. On balance Nixon did more good for Americans than any since w creating EPA etc.. still not a fan but truly maligned beyond his rightful due w far more evil sliding by.

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I'll be thrilled if he can actually DO anything... But we shall see! I will hope for the best. :)

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And I would LOVE to see Julian walk free. Today. Perhaps we should break him out.

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

In retrospect, Bernie was more likely a plant than JFK Jr IMO. All the mofo did in the end was try to sheepdog us into Biden's camp.

If RFK Jr is for real, yes, they might kill him.

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I agree. I suspect they hammered Bernie pretty hard... I remember him looking like he'd spent a few nights being kicked around...

And of course, NO Kennedy is gonna be set loose to do what Kennedys do. I wonder about him because of his reluctance to investigate the "virus" issue. I hope he's just being stupid, lol.

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023Liked by PamelaDrew

No one is going to question the existence of viruses.

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Well, I disagree. After all, I'm not a doctor, I'm a DOGtor, and I know lots of people who DO question viruses, and lookit this!


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Apr 25, 2023Liked by PamelaDrew

The Biden administration is now prosecuting people for "sowing discord," i.e. for disagreeing with government policy, such as opposing the Ukraine war:



Is this the end of free speech and free association?


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Thanks Pamela. Well done you!

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